Wednesday, July 15, 2015

15/07/2015 - Wednesday = Win!

Today we started the day with coding like usual. We had the code from last session, all we had to do this time was instead of running the code on motif (3, 5) like we did initially, we had to go all the way through to (3, 10). After that we had to got (4,1) and so on until (10,10). We were assigned to reform the code that would present all resultants until (10, 10).

Shortly after starting the code, we moved on to presentations by Canan and I on chapter seven from the book; Data Science from Scratch. Canan went first and gave a very detailed explanation on the first two thirds with the help of Ahmet hoca. Ahmet hoca told us about the significance of statistics and how in WWII, it was used by the English to statistically calculate how many tanks the Germans had and produce arsenal accordingly, in order not to waste resources which were already stark. In statistics we calculate that something is in fact not true, and hence if we can reject the alternative hypothesis, we prove that our null hypothesis is in fact true, hence we accept it. I went next and explained the A/B testing and Bayesian Inference. I explained a little on Beta Distribution and explained the two graphs present, and hence concluded the seventh chapter. We took lunch break afterwards.

Up next, we entered the realm of Minecraft. Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy! Today we made the Football (Soccer) stadium and man does it looks realistic! It took a good two hour, with an eight man team effort. Shortly after finishing off the stadium,we headed next for presentations. Elif talked about her life, introducing herself. Her older sister, Soriene, followed next. Elif support Besiktas, a Turkish football team, and her elder sister's favorite color is Purple. Before we headed home for the five day Eid al-Fitr holiday, we ended the day with a movie; The Grey (

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